Other Offerings Available
If you are looking for ways to continue your mindfulness practices and connect with others, or you'd like to explore some of the practices before committing to a class, please check out these options.

Mindful Mondays at WCU
Dusty is currently offering a weekly meditation and mindfulness class at WCU on Mondays from 3:00-4:00 pm at the Mountaineer Field House. Come learn how mindfulness can change your life! Mindful Monday is free with a Field House Membership or just $5.00 if you are not a member. This class is only offered when the university is in session.

Free - Third Sunday of the Month Mindfulness in Life Meetings
On the third Sunday of each month at 5:00 pm we will hold a free meeting for all alumni of our Foundations courses and anyone interested in learning about mindfulness practices at the Here and Now Center at 115 S Colorado Street. This will last about an hour and include a guided meditation, inspirational reading, and time for sharing about our practice. Some months may occur on another week due to a holiday or school break. Check our Courses page and if unsure, call or text Jessica at (970) 641-6095

By Donation - Wednesday Night Dharma and Meditation
If you are up for learning meditation and mindfulness in the context of Tibetan Buddhism, then join us for this live broadcast from the Way of Compassion Dharma Center in Carbondale CO. Every Wednesday (excluding holiday weeks) we meet in person to watch from 6:00-7:30 pm and sometimes hold potlucks after. You can also join from home on Zoom by clicking here.